It is easier to make relations but very difficult to carry out. At times it is found that there are differences between brothers, father and son or in-laws. Vastu defect can be a major reason behind the deteriorating of relationships as explained by vastu expert Dr. Gaurav Sri Aggarwal.
As it is said that friends also become your relatives and relatives become your friends. Two brothers share the high level of intimacy and love but suddenly after marriage all gets changed. It is because the fact that previously they were sleeping in the same room and zone of relationship. But after marriage the rooms allotted to them are contradictory to their mindset and hence they are unable to control their feelings.
In the same manner if there are two daughter-in-laws in house and the younger one is getting more attention and respect in comparison to the elder one, then it will create disturbance in house as well in the relations. It is all because the younger daughter-in-law got the room in the zone of respect or pride in the house that is south-west while the elder one acquired the space of relationship that is north-west. Lack of respect becomes the reason of envy due to the mental disposition. Therefore if the south-west corner will be allotted to the elder and north-west to the younger one then there are high chances of their Reconciliation.
Human is formed of five elements; and each individual is controlled by any of these elements. So as there are total sixteen zonal stands and each zonal stand governs every individual. When we talk about the relation of father and son then, father should acquire the south west zone as it the zone of reputation or pride and father should get the energy of that zone of pride. Whoever will stay in that zone will receive the same respect and power as father should get. If the son will sleep in that zone then he’ll get that respect and this will create the dispute in relationships.
There is a simple tip to maintain sweetness in the relationship of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In this regard south direction plays a vital role. Mother-in-law should sleep in the south direction of high energy zone while daughter-in-law should sleep in the lower energy zone of any other three directions to maintain harmony. If both will sleep in the same level of energy zone then there will be a clash of ego between them. And if the daughter-in-law will sleep in the higher level energy zone that is south then also she’ll not pay proper respect to mother-in-law and the life of mother-in-law will be miserable.
From all the above examples you can understand the importance of vastu and directions in everybody’s life. By stabilizing the directions and vastu energy zones one can attain the stage of quality life.