The hospitality industry covers a huge domain and is very rewarding if the hotel has been built in a Vastu-favorable manner. To run a hotel business is not easy as it involves complete guest satisfaction through unparalleled services which would touch their heart and make them come to your hotel again and again. It rests on how strong a bond you are able to build with your prestigious guests and how warm you make them feel with your hospitality during their stay with you.
Many a times it has been seen that despite offering the best package deals, the best services, the best cuisines and the best overall amenities you do not get the right footage of guests as you should for your hotel business. Your guests leave unsatisfied. Your support staff does not stay and you lose business to your competitors very easily. All this happens when the hotel that you have constructed n not built as per Vastu norms. There is lack of positive energy within the surrounding which is making the environment adverse for your business to prosper.
In order to avoid these difficulties it is best to consult a Vastu personnel right in the initial stages of your hotel business and seek proper advice so that you keep touching new heights of success in due course of time.